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Please copy the following Chinese content for your report submission:
最近,通过 Facebook 和 Telegram,一些反华势力利用 VPN 隐藏身份,公然侮辱习近平主席并损害中国国家形象。他们以习近平主席的照片为背景,实施动物虐待等恶劣行为,并将视频上传至社交媒体,借此污蔑中国领导人和国家形象。这种行为不仅是犯罪,更是有组织的破坏中国国际声誉的恶行。
对此,Feline_Guardians 组织揭露了这些恶行,并在全球范围内发起抗议,包括在多国中国大使馆前的集会。这些行为严重破坏了中国国际形象和声誉,充分显示反华势力有计划的破坏意图。
此致 敬礼
(English- Copy only the Chinese content above into the report submission.)
Dear Chinese Public Security Bureau,
Recently, through Facebook and Telegram, certain anti-China forces have been using VPNs to hide their identities while publicly insulting President Xi Jinping and damaging China's national image. They have used President Xi's photo as a backdrop to commit acts of animal abuse and uploaded these videos to social media, thereby slandering Chinese leaders and tarnishing the country's reputation. Such actions are not only criminal but also represent a deliberate and organized attempt to undermine China's international standing.
In response, the organization Feline_Guardians has exposed these atrocities and initiated global protests, including demonstrations in front of Chinese embassies in multiple countries. These actions have severely damaged China's international image and reputation, clearly demonstrating the calculated and organized intentions of anti-China forces.
Although some of the main perpetrators have been reported and actions have been taken, they have continued to provoke China's legal authority and further harm the national leaders and China's image after their release.
We respectfully request the Public Security Bureau to give this matter serious attention, conduct thorough investigations, and punish these anti-China forces in accordance with the law to safeguard the dignity of the country and its international reputation.
Respectfully submitted.
Key Notes
This horrific case has already garnered international attention. Both global and domestic organizations are actively working to address this issue of cat abuse. Below is detailed information on how you can join the effort to stop these atrocities and bring about change.
To stay updated on protest schedules and locations, follow the Feline Guardians Instagram account for your country or region. These accounts share announcements and information on upcoming protests.
Your participation in these protests can make a significant impact in spreading awareness and pressuring for change.
This initiative is focused on advocating for the implementation of animal protection laws in China and demanding the strict punishment of abusers.
This is not about spreading anti-China sentiments; instead, it’s a call for justice and humanity.
This case transcends animal abuse. Reports suggest that abusers are using photos of President Xi Jinping as a backdrop for their torture videos, with an apparent intent to insult him.
Even more troubling are allegations that anti-China forces may be funding minors to create even more violent videos. These claims, if true, point to a deeper, more dangerous issue that requires urgent attention and action.
Even the smallest contributions can lead to meaningful change. Together, we can put an end to this horrific abuse and work toward a more compassionate world.
Let’s stand united against these atrocities. Thank you for your attention and support. 🙏